This month Lee takes a casual look into one of his favourite musical artists who often composed scores for film. That would be Florian Fricke, the leader and central creative force behind the musical collective known as Popol Vuh. Popol Vuh created music both in the studio for their own releases and to score several films, most notably in collaboration with prolific film maker Werner Herzog. In this episode Lee plays some of his favourite tracks from those collaborations with Herzog (at least from the ones he could source). To spare you Lee's terrible pronunciations of German titles, he does none of the usual intros to the tracks this episode, and reserves his general comments to the opening of the show.

--Aguirre I (l'acrime di rei & Flöte); Morgengruss II; & Agnus Dei from "Aguirre, the Wrath of God" (1972)
--Tracks 1 & 4 from "The Great Ecstasy of the Woodcarver Steiner" (1975)
--Engel Der Gegenwart & Hüter Der Schwelle from "Heart of Glass" (1976)
--Brüder Des Schattens; Mantra 2; & Die Nacht Der Himmel from "Nosferatu the Vampyre" (1979)
--Wehe Khorazin & Im Garten der Gemeinschaft from "Fitzcarraldo" (1982)
--Der Tod des Cobra Verde from "Cobra Verde" (1988)

Opening and closing music: Magic and Ecstasy from "Exorcist II: The Heretic" by Ennio Morricone, and The Shadow of the Killer from "Death Rage" by Guido & Maurizio De Angelis.