ARRIVAL RULES! 👽🐙 This 21st episode of TCFOS features Director Brandon Kelley, an RVA native like myself living in New York City. We both fangirl about Denis Villeneuve's 2016 masterpiece, covering topics like casting, film language, sound and cinematography.

Brandon Kelley is a director who gets to scuba for pay as one half of the underwater videography team “as above, so below”. They were born in New Jersey, spent time in Richmond Va (WOOT) and currently live in New York City. They have worked on feature films like “Unstoppable” and to date they have written and directed 2 dramatic short films; 'Night (2014) and The Real Thing (2017), starring Michael Torpey (who you might recognize from OITNB or Law and Order) and Sophie Giannamore who is in Transparent. “The Real Thing” is a dramatic short about a father returning from active duty to find his daughter has transitioned. It has 9 laurels including winning the Virginia Film Festival’s Programmers Choice award and the LA Outfest Audience award for Best Narrative Short in 2017. WOW.

Aired on WRIR 97.3 FM Richmond Indie Radio 11/17/2019 (Episode 21)