The Coach is going to discuss one of the biggest problems that we personally and professionally are challenged then he's going to tell you who is the true reason for the struggle. Tune in! Get back into the game and get that "W".

Show Notes

Intro: (1:18)

Segment 1: What Is The Most Precious Resource? (2:36)

Unfinished Business (4:05)Coach's 1st Question (4:45) - Let's discuss on our SM PlatformsAbuse Is Inevitable (6:12)Know What "IT" is and then learn how to use "IT" (8:14)Agree or Disagree with Parkinson's Law (11:52)4 Quadrants (14:25)

Segment 2: Time Problem or a People Problem (20:38)

Do You Feel Appreciated? (21:26)Recruiting Sucks! (26:32)5 Smart, 5 Dumb (28:39)Spoiler Alert! (32:30)Yes or No (32:52)

Segment 3: You Ask, I Answer (35:34)

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