Hello love ladies! I'm so excited to be interviewing the wise and immensely blessed Diane Cloete. An incredible mother and inspiring woman who loves the Lord and wants to share His light with all those around her. Children are so immensely impressionable, which is why we need to speak to the child in a way that will reflect the essence of the personality we are hoping to instill. As Di puts it, "When my sons were children, to me, they were really gentlemen in training".

Here's a little more about Di:

Born to missionary parents in Kenya, she’s also lived in a number of African countries, including South Africa, where her sons were born,   she has a keen interest in cultures, ethnic foods and fabrics, and the natural world.  Her passions are encouraging others to live by seeing the Invisible and cultivating a Christlike character.  She now lives in Southern California with her husband, three precious adult sons and one precious ‘daughter-in-love’.

Hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I did!

Resources mentioned:
Books Diane recommends by Ellen G. White (available on Amazon):
- The Desire of Ages
- Adventist Home
- Child Guidance

If you have any requests for topics or would like to share a thought or comments, please email them to [email protected]

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