I'm excited to have as our guest David Sparks!  Many of you know David from his popular podcast, Mac Power Users.  Dave and his co-host have been doing MPU for over a decade.  But many do not realize that Dave is also a seasoned litigator with many years of experience.  Join us in the first of our two-part podcast where Dave and I talk about tech tips he has that cover both Mac and Windows.  We also cover tech tips he uses in and out of the courtroom.  Enjoy!

Show Notes for Part 1:

David can be found at:

Mac Sparky - www.macsparky.com

Mac Power Users at Relay.FM - https://www.relay.fm/mpu

Sparks Law - http://www.sparksesq.com

On Twitter - https://twitter.com/MacSparky

Links to topics we discussed:

Windows v. Mac cost study by IBM:  https://www.computerworld.com/article/3452847/ibm-mac-users-are-happier-and-more-productive.html

TextExpander for both Mac and Windows - https://textexpander.com

Presentations Field Guide by MacSparky - https://www.macsparky.com/presentations

Simple Trial Prep Tech -

Trial Pad - https://www.litsoftware.com/trialpad

Other Software from Trial Pad Creators - https://www.litsoftware.com

More to come when we post Part 2!

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