Charles Schwab's Chief Strategist Liz Ann Sonders talked to us about how to financial advisory world needs to wake up to the fact that more 50% of household assets are controlled by women.

Back in 2002, when Liz Ann Sonders first started out in the financial services, she was asked to appear on Wall $treet Week with Louis Rukeyser. And Rukeyser gave her some advice for her first TV appearance. He suggested that when she said something, she make sure that her parents, who were not in the financial services business, could understand it.

And that advice has stayed with her. Not only did she continue to be a regular on the show, along with other Wall Street legends, like Abby Joseph Cohen of Goldman Sachs (GS - Get Report) and Mary Farrell, who led equity research at UBS (UBS - Get Report) , but her down-to earth approach has led her to become one of the powerful female voices in the industry today.

"I'm so turned off listening to somebody who's number one goal is to sound like the smartest person in the room," she says after 31 years in the business.