Every year in the U.S. since 1976 the month of February has been proclaimed “Black History Month” continuing and expanding on from the initial “Negro History Week” created in 1926 and there seemed to be everywhere you turn an effort to play this out. While many useful and notable anecdotes and facts about the rich history of those, like myself, who were born in the United States and claim heritage directly from Africa who contributed to the tapestry of our nation's history with their own indelible ink are shared front and center with us all. Many of whom are not taught as a manner of course in all of our public schools, those who young black Americans like myself hear about from family or on our own as the curiosity is peaked.


I bear no animosity towards the notion, the reason it is emphasized now does not escape my personal experience. How then does a culture built on the varied and rich histories of so many differing cultures, with a chief underlying tendency to deny many of those very same cultures within our National historical accounting, get past this dilemma?


Normalize, not rationalize.


Educate, not eradicate.


Recognize and embrace.


So then the month is a place to start, as beginnings go it is not bad at all. But is not a substitute for progress. Not the destination, just the path to the way forward. I have in my experience black parents who taught me I could be anything, do anything, so long as I was willing to work, because I am able. They instilled in me the understanding that my self worth is not derived from without. From what I hang on my wall, where I park the car I drive or any external thing. So this is the way I walk, the way I interact with the world I find myself in, so very different from the ones those two brave, precious souls raised five children in so long ago.


I am grateful.


I am aware.


I am not angry.


I am disappointed.


I am then, moved to action as I can.



To those in our industry and indeed in this county who are pointing out content creators who are black:


First of all, thank you. Sharing your optics is always a kind gesture that should not be taken lightly by anyone in that equation.


To those who will find someone new to follow and support: Welcome. Be sure to engage with your newly followed content creators, after all, we all thrive on that support and contact with followers, no matter our cultural background. Also, support those who shared them with you, say thank you, purchase, support however you can, its a good thing that we all do but we must do it together.


To those creators (and myself) who are going to be receiving the spotlight: We must keep on keeping on. Lets keep our heads up even as we keep them to the grindstone. Take none of this for granted and strive each time to be better than the last time.


For me personally, it is with humility and sober appreciation that I see post after post. That I read anything pointing gamers in my direction. I understand the connotation and respect the reason for this month being the month it happens, yet I still need to make sense of it. For those who listen to our podcast, for those that know me, you know I have to grok a thing, I just have to.


So my understanding is thus:


No matter why you are here now, Welcome. I am honored you came. I hope you stay because we are engaging, entertaining, and helpful. I myself am not black History, not yet. My story is still being written, so it is with mixed emotions that I receive the eager references from friends both old and new.


While you are here enjoy the current view. I humbly welcome you all to come and be a part of my story, as it were, to become a part in my history as we go along together.


Allow me to share something with you so that we can both leave this interaction knowing a little bit more about one another and having more appreciation for one another as well;


Me to you for the listening,


You toward me for the extending.


Here are a few things to look up in honor of the spirit of the History we all celebrate this month. Things that are at least in part, connected to the great Hobby of board gaming that we love.

Look into them, they are interesting and well worthwhile.



*Shindana Toy Factory



Reverend Richard Henry Boyd – The National Negro Doll Company



These are but a couple of the extraordinary individuals and situations that are not just past events, but History worth knowing.



*An excellent article on Shindana can be found here: Link