Gregory discussed the following questions from our previous show where he needed clarity from other beings within the spirit world.

911 - Investigation in to the buildings collapse.
What really happened to the ghost ship, mary celeste

In this show Gregory answered the following questions:

I would like to know why it is that our spirit guides cant stop some people becoming possessed by spirits that can latch on to them, and what happens to people when they pass over who practise black magic, which can very often affect Innocent people in a really bad way. Also what is the best way of protecting against psychic attack?

A lot of people seem to be stuck spiritually and not sure where their path is leading them to, they don't seem to have definitive direction, what advice would you have for them?

Gregory, you speak of and refer so often to GOD as being the creator of all etc, however why therefore do so many Spirits state that GOD is merely a man-made title in order to give mankind a faith and belief structure where in reality the higher conciousness is made of more than a singular being?

Could you ask Gregory, what he thinks of people ending there lives, by going abroad?

Is it necessary to sit in meditation a lot in-order to increase ones ability as a medium, and from your knowledge is mediumship a gift we are born with or can it be developed?