
As you may be able to tell from some of our recent preview coverage, EGX Rezzed took place this past weekend. I was lucky enough to be there every day alongside Dave, while Tef and Jake made their way to the show for a short while as well.

At the end of the Friday, after we’d all seen plenty of games, we all sat down together and decided to record a podcast covering a few of our highlights. We were lucky enough to be given some quiet space to record the podcast, although it was oddly a huge room that you could fit a lot of people in. It was empty except for the four of us, which explains the general echoing quality of this episode.

Heading up the games was Sonic Mania, but we also covered the brilliant Octahedron, the hugely entertaining Oh My Godheads and the newly announced Battalion 1944. From there Jake delved into Steamworld Dig 2 on Switch, Dave talked up Tokyo 42, and Tef gave us his thoughts on Formula Fusion.

Please send us questions via email to podcasts[at]thesixthaxis.com.
You can also tweet questions to @TSAPodcast.

This podcast features strong language, jokes in poor taste and adult themes, if you’re offended by that then we recommend that you don’t listen to it at all.

As usual, you can grab the MP3 file here (right click to download).
You might want to get it (when the RSS catches us) on the RSS feed, here.
We’re on iTunes, when iTunes feels like updating. You can also leave us a review and subscribe there, if you want to be particularly lovely.
We’ve launched ourselves on YouTube, with audio-only videos if that’s easier for you to access.
Finally, the podcast now appears on Stitcher as well.

Get us on Twitter:

Kris – @halbpro
Teflon – @Teflon
Dave – @Dave__Irwin
Jake – @_Zeikku
Podcast – @tsapodcast

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