Saying goodbye to an old friend.

It’s the end of an era, as Lewis is moving on from the podcast. While this won’t be his last ever episode, he’s not going to be on the podcast as regularly now, leaving me as the final member of the original crew.

Tuffcub joined us to mourn Lewis on this special “in memoriam” episode, as well giving us his thoughts on Heavy Rain after he completed his PS4 playthrough, while Kev has been playing the programming based Screeps, which I feel we’ll have more about in the future.

For Lewis’ final contribution as a fully fledged host, he brought us his views on iOS title Handbrake Valet, which Tuffcub felt had to be an innuendo. Lewis also shared his thoughts on the latest season of House of Cards after berating me for not finishing season one.

There’s also a lot of reflecting back over Lewis’ five years, as well as an overview of the week’s news.

Please send us questions via email to podcasts[at]
You can also tweet questions to @TSAPodcast.

This podcast features strong language, jokes in poor taste and adult themes, if you’re offended by that then we recommend that you don’t listen to it at all.

As usual, you can grab the MP3 file here (right click to download).
You might want to get it (when the RSS catches us) on the RSS feed, here.
We’re on iTunes, when iTunes feels like updating. You can also leave us a review and subscribe there, if you want to be particularly lovely.
We’ve launched ourselves on YouTube, with audio-only videos if that’s easier for you to access.
Finally, the podcast now appears on Stitcher as well.

Get us on Twitter:

Lewis – @LewisGaston
Kris – @halbpro
Kev – @kevatron400
Tuffcub – @tuffcub
Podcast – @tsapodcast

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