Pimpin' ain't easy.

Alas, there’s no Lewis for you on this week’s podcast. Don’t worry, he’d just double booked himself, and should be back next week. However, as promised on last week’s podcast, we were joined by a special guest for this week’s episode – long time friend of the show, Peter Willington.

Last time Peter was on the show he was still working at Pocket Gamer, but he’s since moved to the other side of the industry and is working over at Auroch Digital as a producer. He spent a little bit of time on the podcast promoting the games he’s been helping to created over there, and also shared his experience of the recent Global Game Jam.

In a fortunate turn of events, Kev had also taken part in the Global Game Jam, although working in Southampton, rather than Peter’s Bristol base. Both Kev and Peter told us all about the games they built, as well as the process of building them and Kev’s experiences of mentoring other teams.

As for me, I’ve been playing the title Hacknet, which is a hacking simulator in a similar vein to Uplink, but with more command prompt usage. On top of that we also delved into the week’s news and answered your questions.

Please send us questions via email to podcasts[at]thesixthaxis.com.
You can also tweet questions to @TSAPodcast.

This podcast features strong language, jokes in poor taste and adult themes, if you’re offended by that then we recommend that you don’t listen to it at all.

As usual, you can grab the MP3 file here (right click to download).
You might want to get it (when the RSS catches us) on the RSS feed, here.
We’re on iTunes, when iTunes feels like updating. You can also leave us a review and subscribe there, if you want to be particularly lovely.
We’ve launched ourselves on YouTube, with audio-only videos if that’s easier for you to access.
Finally, the podcast now appears on Stitcher as well.

Get us on Twitter:

Kris – @halbpro
Kev – @kevatron400
Peter Willington – @xeroxeroxero
Podcast – @tsapodcast

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