Remastered, aka re-edited and recompressed, episode 1:

It's still a "first episode", but it's cleaned up, and the transitions are smoother. Enjoy.


In which Carla explains why eccentric doesn’t equal crazy, that horror poetry is a thing, and cupcakes are linked to better mental health. And books. So many books.

Believe only half of what you see, and nothing of what you hear.

–Edgar Allan Poe


Website entry, with more info: Episode 1: Poe and Carla and Cupcakes: Nicetameetcha


Facebook Page: theremightbecupcakes

Facebook Group: There Might Be Cupcakes

Twitter: mightbecupcakes

Instagram: theremightbecupcakes

Host: theremightbecupcakes.podbean

Sponsor: Audible

Patreon: Cupcakes

A picture a day project on Instagram: #apictureaday2018carla

Goodreads: Goodreads podcast bookshelf. add Carla as a friend

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