Did you know that rodenticides and insecticides are among the top 10 household toxins that poison pets, especially dogs, every year? Insect and rodent poisons can be just as toxic to our curious pets as they are to the pest itself. Common active ingredients include long-lasting anticoagulants, which can prevent animal’s blood from clotting, Cholecalciferol, which can lead to kidney failure in animals, and Bromethalin, a neurotoxin that can result in tremors, seizures and paralysis.

March was Pet Poison Prevention Awareness month, with Poison Prevention Week spanning from March 14th - 21st. We’re responsible for protecting our four-legged friends, so as we gear up for spring, it's time to choose pest prevention that doesn’t put them in harm’s way.

In this episode I interview Kari Warberg Block from EarthKind’s. They special in making plant-based, poison-free pest prevention. Their products are eco-friendly and safe for use around pets and children. Kari also discusses the dangers of chemical-heavy products and their effects on your pet. She’ll tell you what to do if your pet is poisoned, and how to keep your furry family members safe from these harmful products.