What is a service dog? Service dogs are a type of assistance dog that are specifically trained to help someone who has a disability. This disability may be a visual or hearing impairment. Service dogs can also help individuals who suffer from seizure disorders or paralysis. Until recently, there was no record of a cardiac alert service dog, but one Labrador Retriever is changing that fact!

Marty Harris suffers from a cardiac condition that causes her to faint, and she had been fainting daily since she was in elementary school until she met Adele. In this week’s episode, Marty is here to talk about her and Adele’s inspiring story and bring awareness to the huge impact that a service dog can have on a person’s daily life.

Adele lives a life of retirement now, and Marty has brought a new service dog into their lives. How is Adele coping with the change? How is Marty coping with the change? She’ll explain it all in this week’s podcast.