Many pet owners hope to save some money by grooming their companion animals at home. What do a few baths and brushing sessions matter when it could save you hundreds of dollars per year, right? Well, there’s more to it than just that. In this week’s episode, I talk with a professional pet groomer of dogs and cats from the Andis company to get some pointers on at-home pet grooming and the grooming supplies you’ll need to do the job.

Megan Mouser is a professional pet groomer and the Education Manager for Andis, one of the leading pet grooming product manufacturers in the world. Megan shares tips and tricks for at-home grooming as well as some information you’ll need to choose the right grooming supplies for your pet.

Remember, not all pets are able to be groomed at home. Some pets become aggressive during grooming, and you don’t want to take any chances. Megan will also educate us about the signs you should look for in an uneasy pet and when it would be best to seek help from a professional groomer rather than tackling the task yourself.