Dangers of pet food packaging are rarely something most dog owners think about. We’re more concerned with what ingredients dog and cat foods contain than what the container is made of. Unfortunately, the packaging is just as important as the food contained inside it.

You can do a lot of research and spend a lot of money to get the most nutritious and safe pet food for your furry friends, but if there are chemicals leaching into it from the packaging, it could cause serious health problems. This has long been overlook not only by pet owners but also veterinarians and manufacturers of these products.

Blaine Johnson is the business development director at Tetra Pak, a company focused on providing safe and healthy packaging for food and beverages. Larine Urbina is the company’s communications manager. This week I was able to discuss the dangers of pet food packaging with both of them, and they gave me a lot of great information about what consumers should be looking for when it comes to the packaging of their products, and particularly pet food.

In this podcast episode you’ll hear Blaine and Larine explain the growing trends in the pet food industry, and some of the many risks and hazards that we need to be aware of when choosing cat and dog foods. They also explain how to choose the best dog food for your Fido, including the healthiest packaging.