Diseases like canine osteoarthritis or leukemia in felines are one of those health problems that are scary for most pet parents to face, and are difficult to treat. Yet as pet owners we need to be prepared in case this ever happens to our furry friends, seek out prevention and potential treatments.

This week I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Terry Beardsley, founder of T-Cyte Therapeutics, Inc. Dr. Beardsley has spent many years researching and developing LTCI (Lymphocyte T-cell Immunomodulator), a pharmaceutical that has been used in the treatment of Feline Leukemia for the past 9 years. Last year the drug was approved to treat osteoarthritis in canines.

I spoke with Dr. Beardsley about how the LTCI was developed, how it benefits cats and dogs, and his plans for the future. He gives an in-depth description of the treatment of the amazing results that have been seen in both felines and canines.