Recorded live at The Camp House on November 12, 2014.

Preview: T.S. Eliot once wrote, “I can think of no Christian writer… more to be commended than Pascal to those who doubt, but have the mind to conceive, and the sensibility to feel, the disorder, the futility, the meaninglessness, the mystery of life and suffering, and who can only find peace through a satisfaction of the whole being.” At the next ToT, we will be looking at the life and work of the 17th century French mathematician and philosopher, Blaise Pascal, a man who peculiarly embodied the anxieties of his age and ours, anticipating the intellectual quandaries of Christian belief posed by the Zeitgeists of the modern and post-moderns worlds.

Dr. Graham is Dean of St. Mellitus College in London, a church training institution which provides theological education for London, Essex, and Liverpool. He is also Principal of St Paul's Theological Centre, which is based at Holy Trinity Brompton. He holds degrees from Oxford University and Exeter University, the latter from which he earned his PhD in theology. He returned to Oxford where for sixteen years he variously served as a chaplain, taught theology, church history, evangelism and held posts at Wycliffe Hall including acting principal. Among his books are Spiritual Fitness: Christian Character in a Consumer Culture (Continuum, 2006); The Power of the Cross: Theology and the Death of Christ in Paul, Luther and Pascal (Paternoster, 1999); The Provocative Church (SPCK, 2002).

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