Last year in Baltimore the Open and Relational Theologies session took a look at the Emerging Church.  This session involves three conversations, with three participants in each. These conversations pertain to papers written by participants, but there will be no formal reading of the papers. The conversations explore issues in the emergent church as they… Read more about Transgressing Emergence: AAR and the Church

Last year in Baltimore the Open and Relational Theologies session took a look at the Emerging Church. 

This session involves three conversations, with three participants in each. These conversations pertain to papers written by participants, but there will be no formal reading of the papers. The conversations explore issues in the emergent church as they relate to open and relational theologies.


Thomas Oord, Northwest Nazarene University


Jeremy Fackenthal, Vincennes University

Process Theopoetics and the Emergent Church: Inviting Collaboration and Relationality [pdf]

Callid Keefe-Perry, Boston University

Theological Epistemology in The Emergent Church: A Form of Paul Ricoeur’s Relational Attestation

Responding: Diana Butler Bass


Sara Rosenau, Drew University

Becoming Emergent: Theorizing A Practicing Church

Timothy Murphy, Claremont Lincoln University

The Emergent Church in its Planetary Context [PDF]

Responding: Bo Sanders, Claremont School of Theology

Benjamin Cowan, Claremont Graduate University

John R. Franke, First Presbyterian Church

The Pluralist Reformation: Open Theology and the Practice of Emergent Christianity

Responding: Philip Clayton, Claremont School of Theology