What do you get when you ask 3 theology nerds “what does the church and the Occupy movement have to do with each other?”  – 3 different answers. Friends of the podcast – Jeremy Fackenthal, Kirsten Gerdes and the Dean Philip Clayton each respond to the challenge that Occupy provides the church. This is the… Read more about TNT: Occupy the Church from AAR

What do you get when you ask 3 theology nerds “what does the church and the Occupy movement have to do with each other?”  – 3 different answers.

Friends of the podcast – Jeremy Fackenthal, Kirsten Gerdes and the Dean Philip Clayton each respond to the challenge that Occupy provides the church.

This is the 2nd half of a session at last year’s AAR gathering in Chicago. You can hear the first half here. 


Remember: Easter comes early this year so Lent starts on February 13. Bo will be blogging through the book Neighbors and Wisemen every weekday through the Lenten Journey.  Come and join the conversation!

This episode is sponsored by the Subverting the Norm Conference 2 in Springfield Missouri April 5th and 6th. Thanks to both Drury University and Phillips Theological Seminary for sponsoring the conference and making it the most affordable two-day event of the year.

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