It is time for some Jesus fun! I recently published the Homebrewed Christianity Guide to Jesus: Lord, Liar, Lunatic or just freaking Awesome!   Here’s the thing. When you release a book you have to promote it. I did some book tour fun across the country, like the goodness you can hear fro the OKC. But I also… Read more about The Front End of #JesusThon

Khora is not reading Dad’s book!

It is time for some Jesus fun!

I recently published the Homebrewed Christianity Guide to Jesus: Lord, Liar, Lunatic or just freaking Awesome!  

Here’s the thing. When you release a book you have to promote it. I did some book tour fun across the country, like the goodness you can hear fro the OKC. But I also kicked it off with a 5 hour non-stop online tour across a host of bloggers. This episode (and the next) are some of the best conversation of the 5 hours. I hope you enjoy it and tell your peeps about my book.

On this podcast you hear from the one and only Bec Cranford, Mike Morrell, John Contabile, Heather Goodman, and your favorite Lutheran Clint Shentcloth. Click those links for the videos!

This podcast episode and the 5 hour live blab stream was developed in partnership with The Speakeasy.  If you like free books and blogging about zesty texts then just holla at Mike and get on the Speakeasy email list.

Want a super sweet deal? 

Well here it is. If you get all 10 volumes of the Homebrewed Christianity Guide series at the lowest price possible, then I am gonna give you a giant stack of free goods. On top of super cheap texts, free shipping and sticker fun, you will get a special email digitally delivering some enticing downloads including…

1. Radical Theology with Tripp Fuller and Peter Rollins (6 90-minute sessions) 

2. Christ(ology): In the Wake of an Event with Tripp Fuller and Peter Rollins (6 more 90-minute sessions) 

3. Atheism for Lent with Tripp Fuller and Peter Rollins (6 90-minute sessions) 

4. Religion & Science with Tripp Fuller and Philip Clayton (6 90-minute sessions) 

5. Paul: Rupture, Revelation, and Revolution (6 90-minute sessions) 

6. Theology Nerd Bootcamp with Tripp Fuller and Scott Paeth (5 hours of excitement) 

7. Varieties of Postmodern Theology (4 90-minute sessions) 

8. Revelation of Darkness (6 Small Group Video Sessions with Rob Bell, Barry Taylor & Peter Rollins)