We are live from North Carolina today!

J. Aaron Simmons, Lauren Winner, and Ryan Newsome were all on stage for the live podcast from the Progressive Youth Ministry conference at Montreat in North Carolina. PYM just announced details for next year’s conference, so make sure to check progressiveyouthministry.org for more.

This episode includes the full interview with Aaron Simmons from this past March. If you want the full live podcast experience you’ll have to come in person next year! Big thanks to the Center for Process Studies for sponsoring (and providing the beer).

Tripp and co-host Tony Jones talked with Aaron about what exactly phenomenology is, what it’s like being a phenomenological philosopher and Pentecostal, why phenomenology is different than the philosophical framework that came before it, Heidegger on subjectivity and self-hood, plus, Aaron gives a live phenomenological reduction demonstration.

Throughout, Tripp explains how to teach phenomenology to teenagers in confirmation classes and why every youth minister should be a phenomenologist.

#TheologyBeerCamp Summer Edition is coming to Denver and Oklahoma City this August. Head over to theologybeercamp.com to get your tickets. You won’t want to miss Tripp and Peter Rollins dueling in the process vs. radical theology battle of the summer. Plus, we might convince Pete to sing karaoke…