Welcome to a special bonus episode of the Theology Nerd Podcast with the Dr. Tripp Fuller. This is a shorter Q&A episode, where your friendly, local internet theologian answers questions submitted by you.

Today’s question: is the canon open or closed? how would communities decide what new texts should be considered to be part of an ongoing living bible or canon?

In this episode, Tripp explains what the the canon is, and gives 3 reasons to open the canon, and 3 reasons to keep it closed. Plus, Tripp shares what he would add to the canon.

There are lots of ways you can submit a question for Tripp to answer: go to trippfuller.com and click the “send voicemail” button on the right (near the scroll bar); you can also leave us a 5-star review on iTunes with your question as the review; you can tweet @trippfuller; or you can send an email with your question to [email protected]