Jonnie joined my in the HBC Headquarters in Redondo Beach. In the podcast we start discussing the resurrection exchange between Marcus Borg & Tony Jones [aka ToJo] & then end up on the necessity of a physical resurrection, atonement, eschatology, evangelical’s Easter concern, and Pannenberg. Attempting to fill in for the BoDaddy is a difficult… Read more about Marcus Borg, Tony Jones, & the Resurrection w/ Jonnie #NerdOut

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Jonnie joined my in the HBC Headquarters in Redondo Beach. In the podcast we start discussing the resurrection exchange between Marcus Borg & Tony Jones [aka ToJo] & then end up on the necessity of a physical resurrection, atonement, eschatology, evangelical’s Easter concern, and Pannenberg.

Attempting to fill in for the BoDaddy is a difficult task but Jonnie did a pretty good job.  I think I will let him back on the TNT w/ the BoDaddy so Bo can make sure we actually stay on topic.  You will notice I actually start a couple lists of theological options and then get distracted by Pannenberg and John Cobb.  The BoDaddy is a pro and knows to limit such theological temptations.  During the podcast we drank the Burning Bush IPA and gave a shout out to for climate change info.

In the podcast we discuss these books:

1) Bodies and Souls, or Spirited Bodies? & Beyond Liberalism and Fundamentalism by  Nancey Murphey

2) Jesus: God & Man by Wolfhart Pannenberg

3) Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus Borg

4) Old Testament Theology by Gerhard von Rad


Come Join Tripp & Jonnie for the Conference and Craft Brewery Fun.

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