It is time to Nerd Out with your Geek Out! This episode of TNT was hosted on Blab, a new social media platform, and I really enjoyed it. Hopefully this will become a more frequent happening and I can connect with more of the listeners on the video screen. Make sure to check out my… Read more about Homebrewed Blabbery #NerdOut #GeekOut

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It is time to Nerd Out with your Geek Out!

This episode of TNT was hosted on Blab, a new social media platform, and I really enjoyed it. Hopefully this will become a more frequent happening and I can connect with more of the listeners on the video screen.

Make sure to check out my Blab profile and follow it so you are notified next time we go live. PS Blab hates the Safari web browser.

You can view the unedited video of the session here.