In the time of Coronavirus, when many Disney parks are closed, join Adam in the time machine to learn about a park that never opened. This is the story of a park that was never meant to be: Disney’s America.

SOURCES Michael Eisner on Disney’s America Disney’s America on Josh Taylor’s “The World That Never Was” Defunctland’s History of Disney’s America   -   Theme Park Time Machine is presented by "Bounty: A Mandalorian Podcast" - weekly at the $5 a month level and above on Patreon. Support our work, hear this podcast days in advance of the public, and pick up cool bonuses by clicking here!


In the time of Coronavirus, when many Disney parks are closed, join Adam in the time machine to learn about a park that never opened. This is the story of a park that was never meant to be: Disney’s America. SOURCES Michael Eisner on Disney’s America Disney’s America on Josh Taylor’s “The World That Never Was” Defunctland’s History of Disney’s America   -   Theme Park Time Machine is presented by "Bounty: A Mandalorian Podcast" - weekly at the $5 a month level and above on Patreon. Support our work, hear this podcast days in advance of the public, and pick up cool bonuses by clicking here!