I am Jess Sands, and this podcast is where all things business and armed forces life combine to inspire you in your modern military life. I'm a business owner, military wife, a new mum living in my Magnolia married quarter, running two successful businesses and creating the most impactful work of my life. But it wasn't always like this. When I first started my business,

I was struggling to get started and wrestling with how to achieve my dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. I was desperately seeking inspiration and a network of people who just understood how it really feels to be a military spouse in business. Fast forward today, I am not only growing my business year after year, but also teaching others how to do it too, all whilst being surrounded by inspirational mill space.

I'm here to help business owning military spouses, partners, and other halves just like you go from overwhelmed, isolated, and uninspired dependence into confident focused entrepreneurs, ones who are building sustainable businesses that not only survive, but thrive in this modern military world. I'll help you build a sustainable business or side hustle that also creates an impact, changes your life, and gives you all of the freedom to become what you were born to be.

Welcome to the Independent Spouse Podcast.

Oh my goodness. Hello, it's me. I hope you're keeping well. It has been a long time since I did a podcast episode, but happily, the podcast series is coming back. It is heading your way soon, and I am looking for some new guests. So if you are a Milspo that's a military spouse, partner, or other half running your own business, creating an amazing project, doing something completely epic that you think others should hear of, then just get in touch.

Email me at [email protected] and I'll get back to you. This next series is going to be brilliant. I've already got a few guests lined up. They are so inspirational and so creative and they really are showcasing how brilliant life can be as a military partner.

We all know it's really tough. We probably all know that it's getting a little bit worse, and we know that the support's not out there where it should be. So that's why this podcast exists. It's to show that military life isn't always doom and gloom. There are positives. You just need to go out and find them. So if you think that's you, if you have an inspirational story or want to share something completely wonderful, please do think about it. Don't be frightened. You have a valid story that will make a difference in other people's lives. So come and share it. It's a great platform. It's had almost 20,000 downloads, so it's a brilliant and cost-effective way of sharing your wonderful news. Don't be worried about it.

We would love to hear from you. In the meantime, I'll be over in the Milspo group that's on Facebook. It's our close group full of military spouses, partners, and other house running their own businesses. We get together to collaborate. We network. We just help each other build amazing businesses because that is what it's all about. It just means that we lift everybody up just to have something that's completely yours that you can take with you no matter where military life takes you.

So come and join us. It'll really help you build your business or your side hustle, or your projects or whatever you're up to. We are a lovely, friendly bunch who can't wait to see you succeed and help you celebrate. So there it is. My little challenge to you. If you want to be on the podcast, get in touch with me now.

Head over to the Milspo Facebook group and join us and generally just keep going. Military life is tough, but we can do it, especially with a little bit of help and support. I will see you next time for a new episode of The Independent Spouse Podcast.


The InDependent Spouse podcast was created to give a voice to those who are most often hidden in the shadows of their brave, serving military partner and who are achieving amazing things. Since 2018, Jess Sands has been sharing these stories, alongside building the Milspo® Community – a network of over 1,400 military spouses, partners and other halves who are building epic businesses that THRIVE, not just survive in a modern military world.

If you’re looking for further inspiration why not join our community and connect with others – https://www.facebook.com/groups/MILSPO

Read Jess’ latest Book – Building Business Beyond the Magnolia Box: Inspiration for entrepreneurs living in a modern military world – https://amzn.eu/d/3ASq6VT

Or, join our Milspo Membership, the Inner Circle. The best business incubator to help build your business or side hustle - https://milspo.co.uk/milspo-inner-circle-waiting-list/


Milspo®, The InDependent Spouse®findamilspo and The Milspo Inner Circle are all part of the Milspo Network CIC - a volunteer organisation and social enterprise built by the serving spouses, partners and other halves of ALL UK military personnel to support the community's entrepreneurial endeavours. We get it because we live it every day, and we want everyone to find inspiration, support and a community that helps make military life a little bit better - a rising tide lifts all boats.

Founded in 2018, the Milspo Network CIC has been built on the goodwill of its members and the support of its volunteers. After a series of failed funding bids and a struggle to change the narrative of why this community needs that extra bit of support, we are now looking for sponsorship or financial help so that Milspo can continue to provide into 2024.

Please do spread the word or connect us with those who would like to make a difference and directly support the military family, a community at the heart of the UK Armed Forces and all it does.