Hello you lovely lot and welcome back to another inspirational episode, this week I have been talking to Phoebe from Off the Patch.

We talk a lot about setting up a business and the challenges you can face doing that, how she managed to launch a start-up during a difficult pregnancy and her husband was deployed and the similarities between a new business and a new baby.

This is a great episode if you are wondering how you might have a family and a business whilst living this military life, especially if your partner is looking at shared paternity leave and how that works in the Armed Forces, especially if they are operational and on the front line.

It’s not about having it all, but it’s about being flexible around military life whilst achieving your dreams. I really hope you enjoy this episode.

Thanks again to Phoebe who is generally rocking business and mum life. Huge congratulations on the birth of your baby and your business – thank you for sharing your story, I know so many people will find it useful.

I will be back next week with the last story of series 3. I have had the most amazing time chatting to everyone this series, and I know a lot of you have found it really inspirational. If that’s the case, can I ask a little favour? Could you subscribe and review the series? It should be easy to find on next to wherever you found this episode, and don’t forget to tell your friends all about it, maybe they know someone inspirational who might like to be in the next series.