How Would you like to get a call from your Mom in tears ,Who is both in pain and breaking out in a rash, when she finally convinced the ambulance driver to take your mom to the hospital. While in the ambulance your Mom starts choking-couldnt get thier attention when she gets into the hallway of the e.r gives herself a shot. Ambulance driver casually mentioned it that your mom needed to get that area cleaned off. They never did. Your mom went into anaphylaxis in an e.r hallway. Your Mom gave herself a dose of epinephrine because no one wanted her there... because she has a pre-existing condition.An ambulance driver was telling your Mom to stay home and take medicine before going to the hospital. As a professional patient they tell you not to bring your medicine or take any after calling and going .... Is this the way you want your Mom to be treated? The poor or on limited income((disability, are doomed and it hasn't been decided yet. What is this? What would you do?