Join Gail Davvis and Jaee Logan for LISTENGIVE | SAVOY sound bites about music, arts, culture, society, youth, education and giving back.

Join us this week with Special Guests, Gordana Biernat (Oprah.Com, HuffingtonPost, Forward Thinker) MyPowerTalk.Com from Sweden teaching us to #KnowTheTruth, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez (16 Year Old Climate Change and United Nations Speaker) covered by Huffington Post) of Earth Guardians shares his views on Climate Change and gives us takes us through his eyes of what the future of humanity holds for Climate; and Savannah Miller of Sustainable Directions sharing her thoughts on humanity and environment.

TOPICS:  Communicating Across All Generations, Climate and Humanity, Why Knowing Who You Are Can Change The World

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