Pilot Episode Highlights

Enjoy what we felt were some of our best highlights of our Pilot episode of Episode 1 of The Couch Squad Xbox Game Pass Podcast into a 10 minute highlights show.

Do we need a BR in Halo?

Our thoughts on Forza 5?

How will a free Halo Multiplayer affect titles like COD and Battlefield ? 

Does Damo carry MrNightlife or does MrNightlife carry Damo?

Does Whippy know what he is doing on this podcast?


Also we disclose our Secret code word for the 3 month Game Pass giveaway thanks to Xbox ANZ.


Thanks for all the support on our pilot episode and we hope you enjoy these highlights and be sure to like, follow & leave a review where possible if you wish to catch future episodes.


Enter here > https://playr.gg/MrNightlife/thecouchsquad https://linktr.ee/thecouchsquad