Today we continue in our series titled Jubilee, as we look at Jesus and Sabbath. Pastor Dustin Clegg starts out with 3 observations:
(1) Jubilee Sabbath was about rest rooted in trust and humility (Lev 25:11-12);
(2) Sabbath as worship (Gen 2:1-3); and
(3) Jesus is our Sabbath rest (Matt 11:28-12:14).

He also gave us 7 ways that we can apply this in our daily lives:
1. Prepare for Sabbath.
2. Find specific times to be completely silent and present with Jesus.
3. Spend a day without your phone.
4. Look for opportunities to trust Jesus in risky ways.
5. Be present in relationships with others.
6. Take responsibility for your own Sabbath rest because almost no one will honor it if you do not.
7. Expect an outcry from others when holding Sabbath sacred.