Today we continue our conversation about Jubilee and look at various passages. We see that;
1) Striving to do good to make God happy with you.
2) Striving to do good to avoid the consequences of bad actions.
3) Unaffected, easy believism.

1) The transactional work of Jesus that moves us from enemies and slaves to sons and daughters.
2) The way by which we change deeply from the inside out.
3) The route by which the Spirit produces the fruit of Christ in our lives.

1) Spend time thanking Jesus for specific things He has freed you from.
2) Examine whether you spend most of your time avoiding consequences, earning favor, or simply living with and for Jesus.
3) Practice sacrifice.
4) Put away anything or anyone with control over you other than Jesus.
5) Seek counsel and correction from healthy believers if you are subject to obsession and/or addiction.
6) Be patient with ourselves and others.
7) Share it with someone else.