IF you had the opportunity to sit down with an Icon of Industry who has successfully launched 82 consecutive books onto national best sellers lists and has over 1,000 Amazon titles, would you?


If you had the chance to pick the Brain of the "Marchitect"™ who has a proven and easily verifiable track record of designing the architecture to  market, sell and promote your product or service to our current market place, would you?


IF you had the convenience to access this informational gold both LIVE so you can ask questions directly to THE  MARCHITECT™ and also have the luxury to listen and study it later, would you?

Well....... you have praying and your prayers are being answered!!!!  Book mark this show to listen live to Michael Drew CEO & Founder of Promote a Book JOIN US AS

WE BROADCASST LIVE Thursday 01-22-2015 at

11:11 am PT/1:11 pm CT/2:11 pm ET/7:11 pm London/8:11 pm Munich & Milan

One thing I can guarantee, is you will be amazed and learn at least one valuable tip that would normally cost you thousands to obtain and if applied it will put you one step closer to realizing your dream! So join us and DO TELL A FRIEND!

For Archived Broadcast go to TheBottomLineShowLive.com

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