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Ever wonder how Spanx, Amazon, and Starbucks got that way?  And did you know they all started out as small businesses? Discover the “inside secrets” on how to create a MILLION DOLLAR brand even if you have LITTLE OR NO MONEY!   Learn the 7 Laws of Big Branding that will get buyers to think of YOU, want YOU, and choose YOU when they are in the market for the type of product or service you offer.

Gerry Foster shows owners how to create a big brand, and a strong message that sells, even if your budget is small.  He started his company full-time in 1985 and has helped over 100,000 small businesses from over 600 different industries with their branding.  

A former brand strategist with Proctor & Gamble (P&G) and founder of the Big Brand Formula, Gerry’s mission is “for all small business owners to offer exceptional brands that make an exceptional difference so you can live an exceptional life.  


In 2008 Gerry was honored as the Father of Business by the City of Los Angeles for his tireless and faithful work with small businesses.  A former Brand Strategist with P&G - Procter and Gamble - where he helped grow a couple of their big laundry brands, Gerry is also a member of the prestigious CEO Space Faculty which includes such notables as 

Mark Victor Hanson, Bob Proctor, T. Harv Eker, Les Brown, Greg Reid, Alex Mandossian, and Lisa Nichols, just to name a few.  And he is a graduate of the University of Southern California, renowned Marshall School of Business, where he received his BS and MBA degrees cum laude in marketing with deep study in branding.