Broadcasting Live at 11:11 am PT/1:11 pm CT/2:11 pm ET/7:11 pm London/8:11 pm Munich & Milan

Join us for part two of this exciting expose about money, creating wealth and an insiders revealing facts about how to succeed in todays ever changing economic climate. This is a continuation of our first in a series of shows:How to buy Gold and Create Wealth -Jorge Bueno Codex CEO part One.

Jorge Bueno is the creator of "The Business Codex System." It is the training program that shows you how to START your business, FUND your business, & GROW Your Business the correct way. Their training program makes sure that you don’t make the typical rookie mistakes that others make consistently. According to Dun & Bradstreet & the SBA, 50% of businesses fail within two years. The main reasons are that they run out of money or are mismanaged. This is why the Business Codex focuses on teaching the funding strategies that have been used by CFO's of large corporations for over 100 years. The average person can finally use the same methods that successful businesses use every day to excel in the marketplace. Once a student is successful, Jorge teaches them how to protect their assets by using methods of the wealthy including setting up a free gold savings account in an offshore foreign jurisdiction. His students also learn how to acquire physical gold bullion to protect their money as a hedge against inflation and general wealth protection. Jorge is also Master Practitioner Trainer of NLP A system that allows you to remove blocks in your life & helps you breakthrough limitations in your life. Jorge Bueno is Commercial Real Estate Investor specializing in acquiring & holding apartment buildings in Southern California. He is a pilot, a family man, and we’re happy to have him on the show today.