Join Nick Cusumano and Danielle Filas as the welcome Guest Jess Eisenberg and Kendra Augustin of the 365 Women a Year playwrighting project. This international playwriting project involves over 200 playwrights who have signed on to write one or more one-acts about extraordinary women in both past and present history. The project’s ambitious yet focused goal is to write women back into the social consciousness as well as empower and promote female playwrights around the country. Bio: Jess Eisenberg grew up playing piano pieces written exclusively by white men, going to see plays exclusively by white men, and wondering in history class ‘where are all the women and people of color who did incredible things?’ It is incomprehensible that in 2015 we are still asking where all the women are or if there’s anyone other than white men who have written or composed. After co-founding Prologue Theatre Company in Chicago, Jess researched for a season based on female painters in history. There was a profound sense of loss. Our canon is a lie, when the names and works of so many are lost to us forever. She knew she had to keep writing about all of these women, thus in 2014 this project was born. Close friend and colleague, Gina Scanlon, quickly joined the fold and helped co-found the projects as it is today. They never could have imagined that number of playwrights who would join the mission in such a short amount of time. There are now hundreds of playwrights from around the world writing pieces and 365 is in its second year.

Join Nick Cusumano and Danielle Filas as the welcome Guest Jess Eisenberg  and  Kendra Augustin of the 365 Women a Year playwrighting project. This international playwriting project involves over 200 playwrights who have signed on to write one or more one-acts about extraordinary women in both past and present history. The project’s ambitious yet focused goal is to write women back into the social consciousness as well as empower and promote female playwrights around the country.

Bio: Jess Eisenberg grew up playing piano pieces written exclusively by white men, going to see plays exclusively by white men, and wondering in history class ‘where are all the women and people of color who did incredible things?’  It is incomprehensible that in 2015 we are still asking where all the women are or if there’s anyone other than white men who have written or composed.  After co-founding Prologue Theatre Company in Chicago, Jess researched for a season based on female painters in history.  There was a profound sense of loss.  Our canon is a lie, when the names and works of so many are lost to us forever.  She knew she had to keep writing about all of these women, thus in 2014 this project was born.  Close friend and colleague, Gina Scanlon, quickly joined the fold and helped co-found the projects as it is today.  They never could have imagined that number of playwrights who would join the mission in such a short amount of time.  There are now hundreds of playwrights from around the world writing pieces and 365 is in its second year.