“What Are the Odds?” that Theatrical Maestro Hunter Bell would be able to join Nick Cusumano and Danielle Filas as a guest on TheatreCast. Join us as Hunter shares stories of life on and off the Wicked Stage. Learn how Hunter Bell and others helps creative individuals work through their writing process with the “Die Vampire, Die! ” Workshop. Fight the” Meh” in your life, as we explore the creative process with its ups and downs as Hunter entertains us with stories of creating new works.

“What Are the Odds?” that Theatrical Maestro Hunter Bell would be able to join Nick Cusumano and Danielle Filas as a guest on TheatreCast.  Join us as Hunter shares stories of life on  and off the Wicked Stage. Learn how Hunter Bell and others helps creative individuals work through their writing process with the “Die Vampire, Die! ” Workshop.  Fight the” Meh” in your life, as we explore the creative process with its ups and downs as Hunter entertains us with stories of creating new works.