"Hello and welcome to our first episode in our new TheAppWhisperer (TAW) podcast series. Our podcasts will begin an on-going exploration of mobile photography and art. We will talk with mobile artists themselves, from all genres, we will talk with mobile app developers, mobile hardware manufacturers, and we aim to ensure our podcasts are suitably intimate and perfectly formed.

I am your host, Joanne Carter and today my guest is Carolyn Hall Young from New Mexico, USA. Carolyn is a mobile artist; some may call her a digital painter..."




Mobile Digital Artist Carolyn Hall Young holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and a Masters in Fine Arts from Pratt Institute, both degrees for painting and printmaking, with minors in art history.

Hall Young is a tenacious painter, in digital and natural media, an international award winning designer, and art director, with a passion for truth, justice, beauty and homegrown tomatoes. She has lived on several continents, traveled extensively, and exhibited her work in solo and group shows. Young has been avidly photographing her world, since the Kodak Brownie and then the Polaroid Swinger cameras appeared.

Hall Young has taken to mobile digital technology, specifically working with the iPad, like a fish takes to water.

She now lives in Northern New Mexico, with three horses, one dog and one very good man.

Contact Details for Carolyn Hall Young


