Ben Davison looks at the recent polling showing a surge in support for Chris Minns and the NSW Labor party at the expense of Dom Perrottet's Liberal/National coalition government.  Ben goes through why working people have had enough of the cuts, the costs and the waste during  a decade of mismanagement by the Liberals.  Also how unions are getting organised to win better pay, services and more secure jobs, join them at  You can check out Van and Ben's interview with Labor leader Chris Minns from December 7th on Episode 114 of The Week on Wednesday.

The Voice enjoys support from a majority of Australian's in a majority of states.  While Dutton "reaches for the Abbott playbook" and the conservative media try to pretend otherwise every state, except Queensland, would deliver a comfortable majority YES to for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice referendum.  Ben breaks it down state by state.

Ben touches on the retirement of Jacinda Ardern. Van's Guardian article articulates why she was important, not just to New Zealand but to many people around the world.

Ben closes off with an examination of the escalating problems at Qantas.  Remember you can hear what the maintenance workers were telling Ben and Van back in September in Episode 104 about Joyce's cuts.  SIX MONTHS BEFORE the four "mechanical issues" in three days that the airline has suffered this week.

And don't forget you can Van and Ben doing The Week on Wednesday LIVE at Adelaide FRINGE, tickets here