Ben Davison explores how workers at the Mantle Group stood together in union against a sham agreement that saw hundreds of workers denied their proper wages.  The Queensland and New South Wales based hospitality company continues to deny any wrong doing but the case is damning for the company (who might face criminal charges) and a win for workers.  Join your union at

This week saw the death of George Pell.  Ben, from Ballarat, talks about what this has meant for him, his community and how one man's indifference to the suffering of others has caused damage that even his death will not simply repair.

NSW Premier Dom Perrottet gave a press conference this week where he admitted to wearing a Nazi uniform at his own 21st birthday.  Ben questions how NSW youngest premier couldn't have known that was an inappropriate thing to do and how the dysfunction of the NSW Liberals is exposing that maybe Dom Perrottet is really only interested in having power.

Plus there's a reminder of you can catch The Week on Wednesday LIVE at the Adelaide festival from the last week of February to the middle of March tickets here