The Two Bobs episode 220 for Monday, July 17, 2023:

What are The Bobs drinking?

Rob enjoyed an Iced Mocha from Hubbard’s Cave. 
Robert nursed an Origins of Darkness with Raspberry, Chocolate and Mint from Collective Arts. 
Follow us on Untapped at @RobFromTTB and @lowercaserobert or we’ll poop in your swimming pool

This week’s CRAZY NEWS is as out of control as Trump’s combover.

A man in Nebraska was busted after stuffing restroom pipes down his pants at Burger King. 
Florida Man® pulled a gun on his neighbors for shooting fireworks. 
A public pool in Ohio had to shut down three times in one day because people kept shitting in it. 
A woman in Australia found something unexpected in her Sausage and Egg McMuffin. 
A Maine woman punched a bear. 
A California woman was charged with attempted murder after missing her husband with six bullets. 

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