This cult horror film from 1973 has become one of the most influential and unique of all time, famously being dubbed "The Citizen Kane of horror films" upon its re-release in 1976. The Wicker Man is well-regarded for its staunch focus on the battle between the old practices of the Pagan religion and the oppressive and consuming force of Christianity. The powers of these two forces are flipped, however, pitting an island cult against a sole police officer, devout in his faith to Jesus and the one true God. It's an uphill battle for him to obtain any information about a missing girl from the island, as he mocks and questions their bizarre practices of song and dance. The film is gorgeously photographed in its native Scotland, which renders as the perfect setting for this historically troubled battle of faiths. It remains one of the most memorable roles for horror icon Christopher Lee, and one of the genre's most original and fascinating tales.