This week on The Twin Geekscast, we're transported back to the cusp of the millennium, diving into the grungy, angst-driven world of 1990s Seattle, a world our two hosts are quite familiar with. As you may know, our site here is located out of the Pacific Northwest and more specifically the outskirts of the Seattle area. With Valentine's Day rapidly approaching we felt it appropriate to highlight a romantic comedy that is fairly close to our hearts, both in how well it rises above the mundane trappings of similar teen comedies and one that properly represents our proud city... mostly. 10 Things I Hate About You features the breakout performances of many familiar faces including Julia Stiles, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and the delectably hunky Heath Ledger as an Australian bad boy who finds his sensitive side in attempting to break down the tough exterior of Stiles' "cold-hearted bitch." Also of note is the films roots in Shakespeare. Yes, that's right, 10 Things I Hate About You also qualifies as an irreverent Shakespeare adaption, specifically taking on the basic plot premise of The Taming of the Shrew where the lovely young daughter of a noble family is forbidden from courtship until the heinous elder sister is wed first. The story translates surprisingly well as we discuss its effectiveness on this week's podcast.

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