Show Notes

How to Marie Kondo Your Business in 2019

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Simplifying Your Life

Mari Kondo

Sparking Joy

Go through each thing you offer in your business

Ask “Does it bring you joy”

But also, does it bring you income?
Don’t save things you don’t like

You won’t want to market them, pulling teeth

Multiple side hustles

What if too many things bring you joy? You don’t have to get rid of them, but you will need to

Say thanks and pass it on (or delete it). Don’t grieve giving up services

Giving up entire businesses-i’ve done it many times

quitting jobs-knowing there is something better, thanking you for what it’s given you
multi passionate people

Consolidated my business into 1

1 website

1 email

What I offer?

write it down on a whiteboard or on a wall

everything you do (like putting clothes on bed)

do you like it?

Does it bring you joy?

Does is bring you income?

What would happen if you pivoted?

Making decisions in your business

Niching Down: focusing on things one month at a time,

Cutting out the fat (what is slowing you down)

letting go of ideas

Zone of Genius

(Examples: Ian, Kayla, etc…)

Overwhelm is real

People telling me

Figuring out your brand (stop finding all the things, focus on your brand colors & fonts, setting up templates for your content, planning ahead (plug instagram stories workshop)

How to organize your business


Google Drive

syncs to multiple computers

Canva (templates)




Ideas: White Board, Trello, sticky notes

Social Media:

Tracking which ones you like vs which you feel you have to do & scheduling & planning ahead

Can you outsource?

Leads-where are they coming from? Focus on what you are already doing, not just because someone else told you to.

Stop following the ones who make you upset. Unfollow spree on instagram & facebook friends. who do you really want to see/trust?

Same with youtube channels, tv shows, etc…
what really brings you joy?

Networking Events:

Find the ones that not only bring you joy, but bring you people & paying customers

People in your life

removing ones who don’t bring you joy, naysayers who you feel you have to impress

Jenna Redfield is the leader of the Twin Cities Collective, the largest resource in the Twin Cities for bloggers, small business, entrepreneurs & creatives.

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