Social Media & Email

Instagram: We have lots and lots of content surrounding instagram marketing. Check out our podcasts all about instagram as well as our plenty of blog posts.

You can also purchase our Instagram Growth Course here on our website!

Facebook: Facebook is a free and easy way to talk about upcoming events, products & more! Check out our Podcast Episodes on “Facebook”

Twitter: Twitter is another platform to post on to get new leads!

LinkedIn: An amazing platform for creatives to post about their businesses! You can now post photo and video content!

Email Marketing: Email marketing is an amazing way to get information out. More content around this coming soon!

Social Media Ads (Fb/Instagram Ads)

You can also pay each platform to promote your posts to new audiences!

Search Results

Blogging & SEO: Creating a blog allows you to have content to share as well as have amazing google results! Learn more in “10 Tips to Start a Blog in 2019!” as well as our SEO episode “Improve Your Google Results, The Power Of Keyword Research & Other Search Engine Optimization Secrets”

Pinterest: Learn more in our podcast episode “Pinterest Hacks, Affiliate Marketing & Online Courses” Podcast episode with Laura Rike!

YouTube: Check out all the YouTube blog posts we have available!

Podcast: Launching a Podcast or just being a guest on one can really take visibility to the next level! Check out our interview with Studio Americana founder Ian

Search Ads (Google/Pinterest/YouTube/Podcast Ads)

You can always pay money to advertise on all these as well!

Traditional Media

TV. Local TV is a great way to get exposure. Many “cold leads” may discover you through a local tv channel feature.

Newspapers. Being mentioned or quoted about a topic in the newspaper is a great way to get some exposure.

Magazines. Many local magazines have areas for small business. Make sure to reach out to those to see if that can be an option

Radio. Radio is mostly pay to play, but they do sometimes interview small businesses!

Traditional Media Ads (billboards, radio ads, tv commercials, magazine ads)

In Person

Networking Events: Attending local events in person has helped me a TON. Check out all the networking events in our Networking Groups directory!

One on One Coffee Dates: Grabbing coffee with a fellow TCC member & learning more about them helps with WORD OF MOUTH marketing! Join our FB group to get connected!

Collaborations: Working and collaborating with others allows soo many to see you! Whether it’s on social or in person, it’s a great way to have a win-win! Check out our podcast episode to learn more!

Influencer Marketing

Paying an influencer to promote your products/services.

Learn more about this in this post “10 Tips Before Working With an Influencer”

What’s your visibility goal in 2019?

Jenna Redfield is the leader of the Twin Cities Collective, the largest resource in the Twin Cities for bloggers, small business, entrepreneurs & creatives.

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