The Turning Point With Dan Maw artwork

Start Small, Take Gradual Steps And Keep Pushing With Byron Morrison

The Turning Point With Dan Maw

English - May 03, 2017 10:00 - 32 minutes - 44.3 MB - ★★★★★ - 3 ratings
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Byron Morrison is the Author of the book 'Become a Better You' and founder of Tailored Lifestyles Coaching.


His work is all about helping people make maintainable changes to the way they eat, think, move and live, as they become healthier, happier, slimmer versions of themselves. You can book a free 'start your weight loss journey' breakthrough session with him at, where together you will look at everything from your goals to the challenges you want to make, and get a tailored plan to help you get from where you are, to where you want to be'.

Byron's Key Points

Start with small gradual steps and keep pushing, it’ll be far less daunting.
Strip it right back and don’t overcomplicate it.


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I came out of University and didn’t know what I wanted to do.
I tried to convince myself that if I stick with this marketing career that it’d make me happier.
That actually happened but half way through the interview I realised it wasn’t my job I hated, it was my entire career.
I went home and decided I wanted to start my own company, write a book and help people with their life.
My Dad had bowel cancer and spent 25 days in ICU and that gave me a wake-up call as to what my future could be.
I started making maintainable changes, I then realised that this was my passion.
We kind of go through life thinking we’re invincible.
Up to 20% of deaths per year are down to diet and poor lifestyle choices.
We always leave it until it’s too late.
We could have a heart attack and drop dead.
In a few years on a national level, I want to try and change the way people think about and approach food.
I don’t think the perception of healthy eating help, people take it too far.
I got so fed up of all of these fad diets, so I decided to write a book.
We need people to have a maintainable change.
I sat down and mapped out my entire plan.
I suckered up and stayed in the job I was in so I could learn.
If you get to the point were you actually want a change and do whatever it takes.
I spent 6 moths researching before I started writing and then the writing took about a year.
I woke up every morning at 4-5 and started writing, went to work and did 9-5 and then came home and wrote until 10 in the evening.
I only take on clients I can truly help and am passionate about.
So often people say they want to change but never do anything about it.
We all need to do more planning.
What helped me was thinking how I wanted to help people and figuring out what exact steps I need to take.
I needed to divide my time and figure out whats going to have the most positive impact.
However long you think something is going to take, double it.
A lot of people moan about technology but at the same time, we’re more connected than ever.
If I won the lottery tomorrow and had an endless amount of money, I’d still wake up and do exactly what I’m doing.
For me, it wasn't about money, it’s about positive impact.

Key Timestamps


0:49 - Out of University with no path
2:03 - I rethought my entire life
4:19 - We can no longer afford to be ignorant
9:20 - Better education
12:48 - Why I wanted to write a book
14:03 - Life after marketing
15:43 - Which came first, the book or coaching
16:40 - Marketing the book
17:15 - The coaching
20:00 - Getting around barriers
26:32 - Was it worth it?
28:29 - The biggest thing
30:43 - Guest links
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