The Turning Point With Dan Maw artwork

Be Open Minded To New Opportunities with Rob Lawrence

The Turning Point With Dan Maw

English - December 28, 2016 10:00 - 45 minutes - 62.5 MB - ★★★★★ - 3 ratings
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Rob Lawrence is a British podcaster, qualified and experienced audio producer and life coach who helps creative entrepreneurs and business leaders embrace the power of sound. He is the host of the Inspirational Creatives Podcast and is dedicated to creating, what he calls, immersive listening experiences.

Rob has been a podcast host for the last two years; In a previous life, he was a manager working in technology, by day, and a musician, by night. Having given up a six-figure salary in Australia to explore his passions in sound, music and supporting others, today he helps people to listen to their own stories, share those stories in a deeper, more meaningful way, and through podcasting.


Rob's Key Challenges

Trust the process and trust yourself
Be open minded to new opportunities
Get comfortable with change
Be willing to be surprised.


Guest links

Email - [email protected]
Podcast -
Website -
Twitter -


Top Quotes

"In no time at all, I climbed the ranks."
"I found myself starting to burn out."
"Every business and career come'ss with challenges, so choose the ones you enjoy fixing."
"I just felt more and more detached from the work I was doing."
"The first move for me was to move to Australia."
"I thought I was killing my career by leaving it behind."
"Six months later I found myself behind a screen with the same problems I had back in the UK."
"I did a phased resignation and saved as much money as I could."
"You have to work on your own game first."
"It was tremendously healthy for me to challenge some of my beliefs."
"I found that I was particularly passionate about sound and music."
"Now I try and put the lifestyle first and the business decisions second."
"If you’re not well in yourself, you’re not of great value to other people."
"There is this belief that to be doing a job that was tough, busy and hard, that was normal."
"Change is inevitable, embrace it."
"If you teach something, you’re as much a student as you're are a teacher."
"I had to work on my own mindset."
"What life means to me is, experience."
"Our time on earth is no guarantee"
"Reframe things to help you reassess what your values are."
"If I’m going through a difficult period, usually there is a good change that comes soon after."
"To find your purpose, take action."


Key timestamps

1:12 - Way back when
2:49 - Reaching the peak
5:13 - Reflecting
7:00 - Paths of exploration
9:00 - Exploring coaching
13:32 - Challenging beliefs
14:27 - Finding my passion
16:45 - Having a saleable skill
18:30 - Our culture
21:05 - Finding your power stroke
23:30 - Change is inevitable
24:20 - Back to the UK via Berlin
26:28 - Running a ski chalet
30:10 - Clear aspirations
31:50 - A focused mindset
33:45 - Our time on earth
36:10 - Reframe and reassess
38:05 - Bringing it all together
38:44 - Sometimes things find you
40:10 - A business in audio production
41:27 - By finding out what it is, is by finding out what it isn’t
42:30 - I wish I’d have known that
44:23 - Guest links
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