Today's conversation is with Kamran Bedi, who as the title suggests, changed his life after reading a book that he'd previously resisted. That book was his biggest turning point. Helped by his willingness to take action and serendipitous timing.

This story is full of valuable insights that will gently shift your paradigm. Highly recommended listening!

About Kamran Bedi

Kamran Bedi is increasingly becoming the ‘go to’ wellbeing coach for dealing with anxiety, stress, burn out as well as a motivation boost.

As a mind and body coach, he is an experienced Pilates instructor, NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer, Hypnotherapist Timeline therapy and IEMT Practitioner. With a repertoire of skills and experience, clients can expect huge emotional relief within as little as an hour as Kamran gets straight to working on the ‘set-up’ of the mind and how individuals encode and give meaning to their internal representations.

The therapy world is changing. Talking about your problems isn’t going to solve them. Kamran takes action. This leaves out the need for in-depth story-telling and traditional therapy, where Kamran’s successful approach is in educating his clients on how to use their mind and how to integrate their newly found skills into their day to day life.

His Pilates approach is energising having spent years as a professional dancer for the likes of X-Factor, BGT, from Cheryl to Lady GA GA, his understanding of movement of the body, along with the alignment of the breath, makes his practice a force to be reckoned with. ‘Mindfulness is powerful, there is no better place to be than in your physical body, with your breath and not distant in thought with your mind’.

Kamran is the current wellness expert and retreat organiser for LUX* resorts Mauritius. He has been featured in Now Magazine, UK Health radio and has delivered wellness workshops and the Mind Body Spirit Festival as well as with the Katie Piper Foundation.

Connect With Kamran

Kamran's message to a growing society of social media addicts whose validation comes from the number of followers and likes, with increased anxiety and depression is that of his new concept, the ‘Digital Mind’.

The world has advanced very quickly over the last decade in how we communicate and Kamran's first book ‘Your Mind is Your Home’ is a modern, progressive self-help book for the digital age with a ‘techy’ style that relates to the masses, because mental health matters.

We need to realise that we can update our minds as quickly as we can update our phones. If we can invest time in learning how a smartphone works and how it is set up, then we can invest time in our minds, our thoughts and our mental health.

To explore this concept further, check out his book:

Connect with Kamran on his website:

Thank you for listening, I hope this episode touched your soul. 

I love connecting with lovely people, so if you found this episode useful or have any questions, connect with me over on Instagram, my introvert happy place!

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About Your Host
Helen Rebello is an author, intuitive mentor and founder of ‘The Magical Life Membership Circle’. She is on a heart-led mission to help 100,000 women open their hearts so that they find the courage to start living in a way that feeds their soul.