I loved this conversation with Kisma Orbovich.  I met Kisma a few years ago in my 90 Day Basecamp program.  Kisma is one of the warmest and most positive people I ever met.

Kisma is the founder of The Prosperity Code - a group program to help her clients step into their right to be prosperous.

Kisma talked about something that we all hear frequently - that she invested in a coaching program that just didn't provide what was promised!  She said that she had the option to either be upset about it, or to try to make the best of it.  We've ALL been there!  We've all invested in an online program that was a disappointment.  Or we joined a high priced coaching program and the coach didn't do what they said they were going to do.  You have a choice.  You can be a victim.  Or you can look for the things that are available for you to get the most of it!

Kisma teaches how to use the laws of the universe - such as the law of attraction, the law of reciprocity - and so many other great lessons.   I have believed in these laws for years, but have often struggled as a Christian as to how it fits into my belief of a divine creator.  Kisma actually teaches how the universal laws fit into religion - which I feel SO much respect for someone who really tries to explain how it RELATES!

You're going to love Kisma and her life philosophies!